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  • Is Fat Bad?


    When it comes down to our general health and well-being, two vital factors that both play key roles in determining our overall health, fitness, and general well-being are exercise and diet. When it comes down to our diets, it’s probably safe to say that speaking generally, many of us are unfortunately simply not eating the foods we should be eating. Ask anybody to name you two examples of healthy food sources and 9 times out of 10 they’ll talk about fresh fruits and vegetables. Whilst it’s true that those are indeed very healthy and beneficial for us, they are by far not the only foods we should be consuming. Believe it or not, but there are actually numerous foods high in fat that have been found to not only help promote weight loss, but that have also been found to be incredibly healthy and beneficial for us, even helping us to prolong our lives in some cases. No, we haven’t gone mad, we’re simply referring to good fats as opposed to bad fats, and yes there is a big difference between the two, which we’ll be covering right now. 

    Why do fats get such a bad press?For years upon years we were lead to believe that all fats were the devil incarnate, and that they should all be avoided like the plague if we wanted to lose weight, avoid gaining weight, and avoid suffering a heart attack or stroke. As time went by however, experts began finding that some sources of fat were not only okay for us, they were actually incredibly good for us, which we’ll be looking at shortly. The reason why fat gets such bad press however, is that when we think of fat, we think of greasy burgers, pizzas, deep fried produce, processed baked goods, candy bars, cakes, and pretty much every other unhealthy processed junk food you can think of. These foods are indeed full of calories and provide much of their energy in the form of fats, but the difference is that the fats contained within them are known as bad fats. 

    Bad fatsBad fats include saturated fats and trans fats, and have been proven to contribute towards diabetes, weight gain, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, blocked arteries, heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, and much more besides. These fats are found in saturated animal produce including lard, butter, cheese, cream, whole fat milk, and fatty cuts of meat such as bacon or lamb. There are also planet-based forms of fats which have been hydrogenated and combined with trans fats which are also extremely bad for us. These fats contain harmful LDL cholesterol which forms a fatty build up inside the arteries and slows blood flow and eventually calcifies and turns the plaque, where it can then cause strokes and heart attacks. Bad fats are found in numerous forms of food, including: 

    • Cheese

    • Cream

    • Animal fats

    • Fatty cuts of meat

    • Hydrogenated vegetable oils

    • Processed baked goods

    • Deep fried produce

    • Milk chocolate

    • Confectionary

    • Shallow fried produce 

    Good fatsGood fats are mono and poly-unsaturated fats and have been found to lower harmful LDL cholesterol and raise healthy HDL cholesterol levels which help to lower and regulate bad cholesterol levels. One example of healthy fats is Omega 3 fatty acids, commonly found in oily fish such as salmon or mackerel. These healthy sources of fatty acids are hugely beneficial for the brain, the body, and the heart. There are also numerous other forms of good fats, with some of the most common examples being: 

    • Nuts

    • Seeds

    • Oily fish

    • Coconut oil

    • Virgin olive oil

    • Nut butters

    • Grass fed red meat (in moderation)

    • Avocados

    • Organic eggs


    How to balance fat intake and how much is required – So, now that we know that some fats are not only ok, but that they’re actually pretty essential for us, how do we know how much to consume and balance our fat intake? Well, a general rule of thumb is to consume 0.4 grams of healthy fats multiplied by your bodyweight in pounds each day. So, if you weigh 200lbs, you would require 80 grams of healthy fats each day as 0.4 x 200 = 80. Get your fats from healthy sources and make sure you emphasize omega 3 fatty acids. You can of course allow yourself the occasional treat now and then, as a little of what you like does you good. Just make sure it is occasional, and make sure the next day you get right back on track.   



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  • Old Wives Tales About Food


     Old Wives Tales About Food

    Brief History:

    The tales of old wives developed in the oral practice of story-telling. Typically, they were passed around by illiterate ladies, telling a variety of stories to one other or to kids. This stories didn't try to moralize, instead for teaching the lessons as well as making tough concepts such as death comfortable for kids to realize. Besides the stories are practiced in order to frighten kids so that they do not do certain stuffs.

    Many times, the tales have been gathered by literate men who then transformed them into scripted works.

    Listed below are some of the best old wives tales about food:

    1. Carry your bananas apart while you are going home from a store. In case you allow them to stay with the stem, they ripen pretty quickly.

    2. If you're trying to make gravy &unexpectedly burn it, simply pour the gravy in a clean pan. Carry on cooking it. Add up sugar a bit at once, tasting as you go for avoiding over-sugaring it. Sugar will help eliminate the burned flavor.

    3. Keep your opened cheese chunks inside an aluminum foil. It'll stay good for quite some time & not mold!

    4. While boiling the eggs, add up a bit of salt in order to keep the eggshells from breaking.

    5. Burned a rice pot? Simply place one part of white bread onto the top part of the rice for around 5 min to 10 min in order to take off the burned taste. Be cautious not to scrape the burned portions away from the bottom part of your pan while serving your rice.

    6. Peppers having three bumps onto the bottom can be sweeter as well as better to eat. Peppers having four bumps onto the bottom can be firmer & superior to cook.

    7. Add 1 tsp. of water while you're frying the ground beef. It'll help pull off the grease from meat when you're cooking.

    8. For improving the taste of omelets or scrambled eggs really great, add some spoonful’s of cream cheese, heavy cream, or sour cream; then beat together.

    9. Add garlic right away to your recipe in case you wish to have a light taste, or when the recipe is about to end if you wish to have a stronger flavor.

    10. Avoid putting tomatoes or citrus fruits in your fridge. The lesser temperatures can reduce the flavor & aroma of these fruits.

    11. Re-heat any leftover pizza inside a non-stick frying pan on the top of the cooking stove; adjust heat to med to low & heat till it is warm. This will keep the crust crisp.

    12. For warming your pancakes, muffins or biscuits which were frozen, keep a cup of water along with them inside a microwave oven. Moisture keeps your food moist which helps it reheat quicker.

    13. Place one bread slice in a bag of tough brown sugar. Inside two to three days it’ll soften up again. An orange peel piece can also work great.

    14. For cleaning your foul hands after cutting garlic or onions, simply rub them onto a stainless steel spoon. All the odor will be absorbed by the steel. In addition, rubbing your hands with the lemon or coffee beans can works awesome as well.

    15. Prior to making your popcorns on the cooktop, immerse the seed inside water for around ten minutes. After this, drain the water, pop as usual. The extra moisture will help your popcorns pop up much faster & fluffier with lesser duds.

    16. For keeping your potatoes from growing inside the bag, place an apple inside along with them.

    17. If you’ve spiced the food too much, add some lime juice till the flavor becomes as per your preferences.

    18. After boiling potatoes or pasta, cool down the water, utilize it for watering the plants in your house. The water has nutrients which your plants need the most.

    19. Avoid storing your bananas in a group or inside a fruit container along with other fruits. Detach all the bananas, keep every one of them at different places. Bananas discharge gases that cause other fruits (counting in other bananas) to mature rapidly. Detaching them will help keep all the fruits fresh for much longer duration.

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  • A Recent Research Reveals That Dark Chocolate May Help Improve the Functioning of Your Brain


     A team at Nottingham the University has proved that consuming chocolate may help you sharpen up your brain & provide a short-term enhancement to cognitive qualities.

    The research which was headed by Professor Ian Macdonald, states that eating a cocoa drink with plenty of flavanols, a major element of dark chocolate, can improve blood flow towards major regions of your brain for the duration of 2 to 3 hours that directly results in improved performance in tasks as well as boosts your normal alertness over a brief period.

    The research which was showcased at the scientific session in the US, increases the prospects of using the elements so as to cure vascular impairment, which also includes dementia as well as strokes & hence for preserving cardiovascular wellness.
    On top of this there are a number of added advantages of cocoa flavanols for example improving the functioning of brain for people who are battling to fatigue, sleep deficiency & even the ill-effects of ageing.

    Not only are Flavanols found inside the chocolate having a high cocoa amount, they can also be found in additional substances for example red wine, blueberries & also green tea.

    So as to notice the improved activity in particular regions of the brain in persons who took one drink of cocoa having plenty of flavanol, Macdonald utilized MRI (also known as magnetic resonance imaging). This effect is associated with the enlargement of cerebral blood vessels, letting additional blood & as a result greater amount of oxygen for reaching key regions of human brain.

    Macdonald stated: "Acute intake of this specific flavanol-rich beverage of cocoa was related with improved grey matter stream for around 2 to 3 hours. The demo of an effect of taking this specific beverage onto the cerebral blood flow improved the potential that specific food elements might prove to be beneficial so as to improve the amount of blood flow towards the brain & enhancing its functionality, in cases where persons are cognitively reduced for example sleep deprivation, fatigue, or perhaps ageing."

    The investigators stressed the fact that the amount of cocoa flavanol used within the research isn’t available commercially. This beverage was particularly created to conduct the study.Although the research found a relation between mental functioning scores & cocoa flavanols, it didn’t confirmed a cause & effect relation.

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  • Paleo Diet: Really Healthy?

    Paleo Diet: Really Healthy?


    The Paleo diet was initially created in the Paleolithic age. Although, the major purpose of this diet is health, it’s also good for weight loss. The advocates of this diet state that the people from the Paleolithic age had the diet which was the healthiest & was ideal for human beings.

    The major reason for this is because our genetics have only transformed by only 0.01%. As a results its best to head over to a diet that caveman ate where all the things were fresh as well as free from any chemicals. No artificial flavorings, no preservatives were being added during those periods.

    In the Paleolithic age, there wasn’t any requirement of instant foodstuffs or foods which had extended shelf life. Only in recent times, we have started creating foods which are able to stay for a longer duration for making our life quite easier, hence additives and preservatives were produced. As these products are based on chemicals there are no longer safer for human beings. Even in case they seem to be natural, we take them in proportions which are toxic to us.

    Due the above reasons, Paleo diet was developed. In order to separate human beings from matters which are harmful for our health and offering us those food stuffs which are more beneficial to our body. The cavemen were able to live much healthier life style than most of us do today. Since, they were following such a healthy diet, it is no amazement that they enjoyed had much imported energy levels and traveled several miles each single day in order to hunt different animals. All of this was possible only because of their diet and their approach towards the life.

    The Paleo diet contains high amounts of proteins which offer you sufficient energy for doing your day to day works. In addition, the diet includes plenty of veggies as well as fruits that give you a variety of nutrients and vitamins. These 2 groups of foods are considered to be one of the healthiest & there is no limit to how much you consume them. In fact, the more you consume, the better they are for your body. You won’t feel the requirement to consume any additional supplements or diet or diet pills ever again. The paleo diet has enough nutrients essential for your daily requirements.

    Low sugar & low sodium diet is recommended since additional amounts of sugar & salts can be harmful for human body. The diet is all about getting back to the ABC’s by consuming fresh foods and staying off from unhealthy ones.

    How to Lose Weight with Paleo Diet?

    1. Follow a Healthy Diet

    Eliminate all the processed foods that consist of chemicals harmful for your body. This is very important for seeing the results in the quickest amount of time. It will also help you stay happy and energetic throughout the day.

    2. Meal Amounts

    The meal amounts are not much of a concern when you are following a paleo diet. The lone item which you want to restrict are the fruits. Apart from that you’re free to eat all the things included in this diet since they all are healthy for you.

    3. Take the change seriously

    Create your meal plan, or purchase one from the web and follow it strictly. Give this diet, an honest try for a month which will let you see its potential in the shortest amount of time.

    4. Get all the required Info

    Know why it is crucial for you to eliminate processed foodstuffs from your diet. If you’re able to completely understand how much harm you’re doing to yourself with unhealthy foods, you’ll have much greater chances of success.

    5. Protein

    You must be able to intake around 100 to 150 grams of protein each single day. For this, you can add a protein shake a few times each week as well.

    6. Carbohydrates

    When following a paleo diet in order to achieve a weight loss, it is important that you in take less than 50 grams of carbs each day.

    8. A Support Group

    Do not be afraid to search for a local group which will keep you motivated. Having other people with identical interests & goals can keep you achieve a faster weight loss and live a better way of life.

    9. It is totally alright to cheat

    This is perhaps the greatest things about the Paleo Diet. Here you are able to cheat. A piece of pizza occasionally won’t do your body any harm. However, it is also important to be mindful of the fact that you do so in moderate amounts especially when you’re trying to eliminate those additional pounds from your body.

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  • Creating the Perfect Cheesecake

    Cheesecake is a popular dessert admired by everyone. Several styles have been incorporated with the dish,which made each cheesecake unique. The basic ingredients are now being substituted with modern ingredients to complement the modern palette. 

    Ever since the dawn of time, mankind has been trying to achieve perfection in every actions that they make- and cheesecake is no exception. Fortunately, there are several guidelines that can help one create the perfect and delightful treat that has been available for several centuries. 

    Learn the Basics

     In the United States, cheesecake has become one of the most popular desserts. The several cheesecake variations have also been subject to debates by several culinary experts. There are some who like creamy and rich cheesecake, while others favor the dense New York style cheesecake. Additionally, there is the airy and light variety and the myriad of crusts, which range from the classic graham cracker to the Oreo cookie. The whole subject of cheesecake perfection is confusing but regardless of the type that you prefer, there are few secrets in baking cheesecakes like a pro. 

    First off, remember to use first rate and quality ingredients. Only opt for AA grade large eggs and always remember that full-fat cream cheese can produce the taste and texture that you are looking for. Fat-free varieties of cheeses are only apt for baking cheesecake that is chalky, soft, and slightly rubbery inside. 

    Next, choose heavy cream that is pasteurized instead of ultra pasteurized. Make sure that the sour cream you are about to use has not actually spoiled or soured. Additionally, make sure that all of the ingredients are stored at room temperature before you begin mixing, most especially the cream cheese. If the ingredient is hard and cold, it will only create a lumpy cheesecake and beating it to death will also not help. 




    In order to achieve a creamy almost custard-like, moist and rich cheesecake, remember to bake the cake in a water bath, also known as a bain-marie. Cheesecakes that are baked using this method are insulated from the direct dry heat of the oven. Always remember that cheesecakes benefit from the gentle even heat a water bath can provide much like the bread pudding, flan and crème brulee. 

    Lastly, the fruits are best reserved for use as toppings since their flavors can get lost and muddled in the cheesecake when baked together with the cake. Plain cheesecakes topped with fresh berries finished with liquefied preserves or cooled fruit compotes will provide a stunning presentation and optimum taste. 

    Extra Helpful Tips

     Always avoid on beating the cheesecake filling excessively. Doing so would only incorporate additional air and cause cracking on the surface of the cheesecake. In addition to baking, make use of a spring-form pan, with removable side and bottom. Place the pan on a baking sheet in order to aid in avoiding leaks in the oven.

     During the actual baking process, make sure that the cheesecake is placed on the center rack of the oven. Do not be enticed to open the oven during the first 30 to 40 minutes as drafts can create cracks and cause the cheesecake to fall.

     Over-baking should also be avoided. Always be aware that baking times are not always exact because of several oven variations. Make sure that the edges are puffed and the center slightly “jiggly” and moist; these are the most common indications of a perfectly baked cheesecake. 


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