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Thread: What do you do for Easter?

  1. #1

    What do you do for Easter?

    It's over a month until easter but I start thinking about easter as soon as we're done devouring fausnaughts on Fat Tuesday. The kids all get baskets of course and we go on easter egg hunts. The baskets are the problem though. I like to give them some sweet treats but I don't want to give them an excuse to fill up on a ton of chocolate. It's a huge balancing act to get them age-appropriate things without too much candy and have the baskets look and seem equal so it's a month of work for me on them.

    What do you do for easter?

  2. #2
    ooh i love Easter!

    we normally go to church and have a big family get together, enjoy dinner and before it gets dark hide Easter eggs back at the church for the church's kids to find. Thats pretty much what we do!

  3. #3
    Our family is pretty religious so we normally attend sunrise service at our church and then later have a big family gathering.

  4. #4
    Its all about Family! Wand of course Easter service at church. Its so warm where I am, Hubby and I are thinking of doing a picnic.

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