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Thread: 30 bananas a Day?

  1. #1

    30 bananas a Day?

    Does anyone follow Frelee the banana girl on youtube?

  2. #2
    I'm fond of bananas but I couldn't imagine eating that many of them. I wonder if fruitarians feel like they're always eating to keep up with their caloric needs with low calorie density foods.

  3. #3
    I watch her from time to time but something about her irks me lol, she is a bit too condescending in her videos against non vegans. Im not a vegan but i respect everybody's food choice. Anyway she does have some very interesting vids.

  4. #4
    I just started her raw till 4 diet since January, so far lost 15lbs!

  5. #5
    I love her vlogs! Makes me want to live in Australia lol

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