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Thread: Soba Noodles

  1. #1

    Soba Noodles

    Any one here use Soba noodles?

    Its so hard to find 100% Soba noodles made from buckwheat. The ones in the store mostly have wheat in them and just barely any buckweat!


  2. #2
    Have you tried any local Asian grocery stores?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by kittyhawk View Post
    Have you tried any local Asian grocery stores?

    We had a local Asian grocery awhile back but they since been gone guess i might need to look online for some real soba noodles

  4. #4
    I usually end up going with Amazon for things I have trouble finding in stores. King Soba has a nice gluten free and organic variety pack that we like to order.

  5. #5
    Just had some Soba noodles for dinner last night!

    try Amazon, you'll be surprise to find alot of grocery stuff there!

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