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Thread: Campfire Dinner (or "Hobo Dinner) - cook over fire or on grill or in oven

  1. #1

    Campfire Dinner (or "Hobo Dinner) - cook over fire or on grill or in oven

    1) Lay out squares of foil and spray with your choice of non stick spray.2) In each section add - thinly sliced potatoes, thinly sliced carrots, and a hamburger patty on top. You can add any other vegetables you like roasted into the packet. Mom used to slice a bunch of different things and let us kids pick what we wanted in our packet. 3) Add seasoning to your preferences, at least salt and pepper.4) Wrap the packet so it is sealed. 5) If using the oven, place the packets on a pizza pan or cookie sheet. They can go directly on the grill or in the coals of a campfire. 6) Cooking time in the oven is around an hour. Cooking time on the grill or in the campfire is variable based on heat but usually less than that. It's done when the potatoes and carrots are at the desired softness and the burger is cooked enough that you're willing to eat it. 7) Watch out for the steam! But open it up once you take it off the fire and add butter, cheese, and sour cream or dressing as desired.

  2. #2
    Line Cook
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Eastern US
    Super simple and delicious. Thanks for posting an actual recipe for this. I love that you said " and the burger is cooked enough that you're willing to eat it" I've made vegetarian versions of these too and I try to include something that will release some good moisture while it's cooking - like mushrooms. Giving a quick douse of Italian dressing when making up the packets works really well too. It's like a marinade, but when everything is cooked it just tastes really good, not particularly like dressing.

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