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Thread: Finding Gluten Free Products

  1. #1

    Finding Gluten Free Products

    Before we came to Florida, I used to just go to the organic aisles of Giant and grab gluten free stuff - pasta, cookies, even convenience foods like mac & cheese in a box. Now, in Florida, none of the stores are familiar or have familiar layouts, except Wal-Mart, which I try to avoid. Finding gluten free foods was becoming a hassle. I started using Amazon to source gluten free pasta and gave up on the gluten-substitute perishable items. I've been trying to go with fresh as the only real way to be sure that there's no gluten in it.

    I grabbed a pack of beef jerky from the store yesterday as a quick lunch on the go. I thought beef jerky would be safe. Nope. Why is there gluten in the beef jerky? Nothing is safe.

    Where do you look to find gluten free products?

  2. #2
    Trader Joes!

    You'll definitely find a wide variety of gluten free products there. Whole foods has much more selections but of course they are more pricey

    my boyfriend and I call whole foods "Whole Check" lol

  3. #3
    Fresh foods are really your best bet. You could go the whole way paleo or primal and avoid all grains even. You'd probably feel great! Substituting gluten-free versions of wheat based foods doesn't really change your eating habits. Your body would probably appreciate some foods that are easier to digest.

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